Sponsor an Event

How do I host a Green Drinks event?

Green Drinks Anchorage is currently looking for organizations to sponsor events, beginning in fall 2013 and for the following year. Organizations typically become sponsors for an event by hosting a Green Drinks. This involves providing a venue for the event and light drinks and snacks for 30 to 50 people. If an organization only wants to provide the space for an event, then we will pair you up with a local sponsor who will co-host the event and donate the snacks and drinks.

Event hosts are also welcome to give a 5 to 10 minute presentation introducing their organization and talk about a local environmentally-inspiring theme that may invoke informal discussion throughout the evening. This is also a time to showcase what your business is doing to make Alaska or Anchorage a little greener. Since this event is generally unscripted and informal, each presentation should be brief and fun. Providing a booth with outreach materials on specific environmental issues, products or services and how to get involved with your business or organization is greatly encouraged. Proceeds are tax deductible. If you are a small organization or cannot be a full sponsor, we encourage you to find a co-host!

Contact the Anchorage Green Drinks Committee at ancgreendrinks@gmail.com to schedule an upcoming event!

Click here for more tips and information for sponsors!